We will unfold an aspiration of a TransforMap pattern language. This happens June 29 & 30 2016 in Witzenhausen.
Wednesday, June 29
The first day of getting to the multiple streams influencing a shared understanding of mapping the transformations takes place in Transition Haus Witzenhausen. There will be an intimate atmosphere to accompany and support the various explorations to take.
After breakfast, a short morning circle from 10 to 13 respectfully welcomes whomever manages to attend. Supposedly lunch at site distracts us from 13 to 15.
Given another four hours of dissecting and recombining of what had been generously given into the conversation, our starving stomachs will not find rest until we enjoyed a video call with Ward Cunningham from 19 to 20.
Thursday, June 30
The next day switches the context and repurposes the local university for an opening to another semi-public audience, which will eventually assemble in room H33. The continued semi-structured conversation from before is then ordered into a digest.
Food needs to be solved individually. A nearby mensa offers basic facilities.
Comporting earlier findings and incidential architectures, the afternoon is dedicated to heuristically synthesizing of what is going to be a first draft of a TransforMap pattern language.
Michael Mehaffy probably promised to dig with us into explanatory
We have numerous samples of pattern languages cast into the federated wiki form, usually from other sources or as mockups of future work.
of interest afterwards. What happens next ... is yet to comprehend.