The place you are reading in is somewhat special and probably different from any other medium you know. Follow these links to learn more.
The political and philosophical motivations for building a federated wiki are touching questions of autonomy, emergence and understanding.
~ an ordered narrative ~
Here we present for refinement some of the fundamental writing practices for a FedWiki genre. The wiki genre facilitates readers and writers aiming to capture, share, and reuse networked community knowledge.
Hypertext is text, media or other digital material not constrained to linear presentation. html .
The original vision of hypertext was textual and timeless. When Bush and Nelson imagined hypertext, they imagined a conversation between documents, data, and other media, not individual banter. Importantly, additions to the conversation were not conceived of as replies, but as *extensions* of a large static but continuously evolving network of knowledge, one that allowed many different paths.
Mike Caulfield argues for a move from streams of response and reaction to gardens of connections, of intentional, designed, thoughtfully constructed spaces.
Mike Caulfield's keynote on The Garden and the Stream blog.
Knowledge Gardening is a term which describes the kind of knowledge creation process a federated wiki supports. from Jack Park - It encapsulated the notion of the work required to created knowledge and the gestaltness of the process, that what you create can expand beyond your intent.
What are the resonances between taking care and paying attention? This is a short think based on a cursory swirl around standard online etymological resources.
Anyone is welcome to do anything they like with what was started by somebody else. This is a page about the function of passing strangers in carrying messages through networks.
Paul Seabright's The Company of Strangers (2004, rev. 2010) is a study of the importance of trust in strangers in our everyday lives. Seabright challenges the assumption that humans exist in primarily competitive relations with each other, and points out instead that our everyday lives are dependent on the capacity to trust that others will act in predictable ways that sustain the institutions on which we all rely.
"the best use of community is to accomplish goals that can't be achieved any other way"
This journal is a handstitched collection of fedwiki notes on the relevance of ideas of hospitality and shareable language to the studio practice of federated wiki. Who do we become, when we work alongside one another in a practice of mutual hospitality?
"Until the rise of the coffeehouse you had a a population that was essentially drunk all day" Steven Johnson on the rise of coffeehouse culture in the 18th (??) century.
In an article for CounterPunch, activist Mickey Z. writes about the need for activists to exercise some patience with revolutionary practices, while maintaining a sense of urgency about change. As he puts it, activism is both marathon and sprint.
In "Recovering the Vernacular" (2014) Thomas Fitzgerald makes the case for recovering vernacular language from its enclosure and subsumption under the grammar of governance. link
Ward and John write about the Chorus of Voices. I don't think that's a good description of what fedwiki is. In one respect, John and Ward are right about the chorus obscuring individual identity. If you can hear individual voices in a chorus, they're doing it wrong.
I don't want to be you, but I'd like to see your side of this conversation as if I were you. And then I'd like to be me again.